Tag Archives: natural

in case you missed it…

22 Oct

I’ve been updating this blog pretty much everyday and posts are starting to get pushed onto the next pages so I thought it would be handy to have a weekly recap of my posts (about 2 weeks for this post since it’s the first) from oldest to newest:

so fresh and so clean

11 Oct

Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and full of food! I decided that there will be nothing new to learn on weekends/holidays partly because I get lazy and had a ton of studying and work to do in preparation for this week.

The title of this blog used to drive my friend and I crazy. We used to say this quite often and never knew where we originally heard it. I did some intense googling one day and found the source of this quote – 50 First Dates! Adam Sandler says this when he is cleaning the penguin (or is it the walrus?) and that is definitely where we got it from because it used to be one of my favourite movies. It felt good to finally clear that up.

So the new thing for today is related to laundry. Practical, yes. Exciting, no.

Anyways, I find that towels can get this weird smell after a while. Maybe cause there isn’t enough air flow in my bathroom or something. When I washed them normally, the smell would still “linger.” After a quick glance through my cleaning reference book (yes, I actually own a book that is all about cleaning…), it recommended that I:


Add one cup (or a bit less or more depending on wash size) of vinegar to the rinse cycle of the washing machine. I just pour the vinegar in the compartment for fabric softener. The vinegar somehow gets rid of the weird smell and also softens your clothes. I use it on everything, not just towels, because of its multi-purpose function. Works well on clothes that smell like a Chinese restaurant. It’s also cheaper than buying fabric softener and doesn’t leave that fake smell that Bounce sheets do.

Yay for natural and clean smelling laundry!