Tag Archives: tv

in case you missed it…

22 Oct

I’ve been updating this blog pretty much everyday and posts are starting to get pushed onto the next pages so I thought it would be handy to have a weekly recap of my posts (about 2 weeks for this post since it’s the first) from oldest to newest:

watch american tv shows in canada (hulu, netflix, comedy, etc.) on your iOS device

7 Oct

I hate trying to watch a tv show or movie online only to see “Sorry! You can’t view this content because you are in Canada” or something along those lines. I no longer get that message now because I installed a VPN blocker (Hotspot Shield) onto my computer and can watch American content on my Canadian Macbook and iPad.

I’ve watched shows on Netflix (need an account), Hulu, Comedy Central, and Lifetime (the movie trailer for the movie my cousin is in! Check out “Girl Fight,” of course you will need to have Hotspot installed to see the trailer). I also installed the VPN on my iPad and have watched stuff on Netflix (although a bit spotty sometimes and loads slowly) and some TV shows from American apps. The instructions below are for your Apple mobile device.

Hotspot Shield can also be installed on your PC / Mac to watch American shows but lately, sites like Hulu and NBC haven’t been working for me but Netflix works fine.

1. Set up a VPN on your Apple device (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch) by finding the VPN settings through “Settings -> General -> Network -> VPN -> Add VPN Configuration:”

2. Enter in the information exactly as shown in the picture below:

And then click “Save.”

3. To activate Hotspot Shield on your iPhone, the VPN setting needs to be turned on. After you install the VPN, there should be a new option under WiFi in settings to toggle VPN on and off.

Once you’ve turned on the VPN, open your American based app and enjoy!

*** Remember to turn off Hotspot Shield (especially when on your computer) when you are done. I forgot to turn it off and tried to buy something online with PayPal and refused to let me buy because my IP was located outside of Canada. I had to prove that it was me by sending a copy of my Driver’s License. So learn from my mistake! ***

Original instruction credit and photo goes to Chris Burke